Selena Gomez Tattoo 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Girl Tattoo Ideas - Best Tips Before Getting A Tattoo
If you're looking for girl tattoo ideas, then it shouldn't take you too long to find one. From the wacky to the classic designs, you can find a unique tattoo ideas online and even offline. Before you do get a tattoo, there are a couple of considerations that you should take note of when it comes to tattoo ideas.Go to the Right Sources
Getting a tattoo is a major decision. You don't want to make a mistake with your tattoo design because you are stuck with it for life. If you are bent on getting a tattoo, get a design from a reputable source. Here are some possible design sources:
- Getting the right tattoo artist can make all the difference. All artists who would like to maintain a regular clientele build their design portfolios. You should however, opt for an artist who has had real experience tattooing the designs in his gallery. You probably don't want to be the experimental first client.
- Online galleries are also a great choice. Many of these galleries contain hundreds of thousands of categorized designs that you can choose from. If you are a great fan of the art, you may want to sign up for a membership so you can have access to unlimited tattoo designs.
- Be open about getting your girl tattoo ideas from other inspirations. You may be able to find a good design in a textbook or fantasy book. Some of your friends may also have cool and unique tattoos. Make sure though to consult an experienced tattoo artist about the feasibility of the design of your choice.
Pick One that Matches Your Spot
The body spot where you put your tattoo on can make a lot of difference. There are some body parts that just look better with certain patterns and design sizes. Make sure you consider the spot you want tattooed before settling on a design. Your foot for example may not look very good with a huge design. Girls' feet will look daintier with small designs. Another example would be tattoo designs on the lower back. You can settle for a small design but that would be useless if your real purpose is to show off your curves. If showing off is what you want, settle for full horizontal designs that stretch over the lower back.
Settle for Something Meaningful
Ink tattoos cannot be erased. That means you should rather settle for a design that has some meaning for you. You would probably feel better if you could explain to curious people what the symbols in your body mean. Knowing what your designs mean will also ensure that you need not get stuck with designs that have bad connotations. Pick tattoos that you are sure you will love for the rest of your life.
Don't Scrimp
There are discount tattoo designs and services. Just like everything else, you have the opportunity to save a few dollars on your tattoo design. You could for example pick free designs online or settle for a lesser known tattoo artist. You should consider though that you are asking for a service that cannot be undone. If you want a great tattoo, always settle for the best. Don't scrimp on your tattoo design or artist.

Top 5 Sexiest Shoulder Tattoo Designs For Women
Shoulder tattoos when proudly flaunted add a lot of character and interest to a woman's personality. The shoulder is a sexy part of a female's body and it can even be highlighted when inked with interesting and playful display of tattoo art. With this body canvas being huge and flat, there is an ample room for great artistry and creativity to create an amazing tat piece. Here are the top 5 sexiest designs that would absolutely look exquisite on a woman's shoulder.Butterfly
Women never get tired of butterflies, every female wants to have a piece of this fascinating creature tattooed on their body. Who can blame them? Butterflies with their colorful wings and adventurous life are always admired by women. Their ability to roam free and be beautiful after all the life cycle they went through is a story that the females can always relate to. Butterfly tattoos are usually rendered on the shoulder blades fluttering their wings while looking naturally pretty and amazing.
A woman can never go wrong with flower tattoos on her shoulder. There are a vast array of flowers to choose from but the popular ones still reign-cherry blossoms, rose, lotus, hibiscus and lily. These flowers are mostly favored because of their vivid colors, exquisite petals and symbolical meaning. They might be common but there are tons of ways to make them unique and special; its all up to the creativity of the tattoo artist.
Star tattoos on the shoulder can create a certain spark and add a lot of brightness and interest. Even if stars are very basic and simple, they have their own charismatic appeal but women never seem to get tired of them. They are portrayed either as shooting star tattoos or just merely a cluster of stars grouped together.
Birds are generally friendly natures and they can mean a whole lot of things depending on what kind. Some of the most popular bird tattoos seen on a woman's shoulder blade are swallow, sparrow, dove, phoenix and eagle. They can represent things that are positive such as freedom, independence, peace and loyalty.
Tribal tattoos are fitting on the shoulder because they can be inked to make them look perfectly symmetrical to the shape of this body part. They are characterized by a combination of thick and bold lines, dark black colors and highlighted by some curves and angles to make them look more feminine. Tattoos are originally from the people belonging to tribes during the early times so this design is definitely iconic and representative of its humble beginnings. That is why, tribal tattoos have never lost its appeal even up to now. Some of the most popular kinds of tribal tattoos are Polynesian, Aztec, Samoan and Maori.
So there you go, the top 5 most sought designs for shoulder tattoos for women. There are a multitude of ways to make them creative and unique, its all up to your imagination and personal preference. Good luck on your tattoo journey.
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