puNk Tatoos
Thursday, June 7, 2012
puNk Tattoos
Youth movement that began by working-class children are immediately penetrated the American financial and economic problems triggered by the deterioration of morals by political leaders that lead to higher unemployment and high crime. Punk tried to satirize the ruling in its own way, through the songs with music and lyrics are simple but sometimes rough, fast and stomping beats.
Many misunderstand punk as glue sniffers and vandals because the UK had an outbreak of the use of strong-smelling glue to replace the beer that was bought by them. Many others who damage the image of punk because many of them are roaming the streets and perform a variety of crimes.
Punk fashion is more famous than it is imposed and the behavior they exhibited, such as the Mohawk-style haircut indian tribe, or cut and colored feathercut style with colors bright, boots, chains and spikes, leather jackets, tight jeans and shabby clothes, anti-establishment, anti-social, the rioters and criminals from the lower class, a dangerous drunk so many who think that people who look like it was worthy to be called as a punker.
Punk was also a youth resistance movement that is based of the belief we can do it Ourselves. Assessment of punk in the view of a problem can be seen through the lyrics of the song that tells of the political, environmental, economic, ideological, social and even religious matters.
With the above definition, punk can be categorized as part of the art world. Lifestyle and mindset of the precursor is similar to its predecessor punk avant-garde art movement, the makeup nyleneh, blurring the line between artistic ideals and the realities of life, provoking the audience openly, using the viewer (performer) of low quality and reorganize (or mendisorganisasi) establishment drastic lifestyle. The early followers of the two schools also believe one thing, that hebohnya appearance (appearances) must be accompanied by hebohnya thoughts (ideas).
Further develop as a punk rock musician disappointment fruit underclass against the music industry was dominated by established rock musicians, such as The Beatles, Rolling Stone, and Elvis Presley. Musicians do not play punk rock tones of high technical or heart-wrenching love song. In contrast, more punk songs like shouting demonstrators protest against the cruel world. Lyrics of punk songs tell the frustration, anger, and boredom compromise with street legal, low education, manual labor, unemployment and repression apparatus, the government and the figure of the ruler over the people.
Consequently labeled as punk rock and roll music left flow, so that often do not get a chance to appear on television shows. Record companies were reluctant to orbit them.
Lifestyle is relatively no one has the same lifestyle with others. Ideology derived from the word "ideas" and "logos" which means pure thoughts in life. Lifestyle and ideology developed in accordance with the place, time and situation of the punk Kalisari at this time began to develop the "jor-rod" that take advantage of the media before the media we use. In other words something punk trying to free the shackles of his day respectively.

PuNk And Anarkisme
Reaganomic failure and defeat of the United States in the Vietnam War in the 1980's helped heat up the temperature at the time of the punk world. Punk bands of the second wave (1980-1984), such as Crass, Conflict, and Discharge of England, The Ex and BGK from Holland, the MDC and the Dead Kennedys from the United States has transformed the rebellious spirit of punk into pemendam (Rebellious thinkers) rather than just a cult rock n 'roll. The ideology of anarchism ever carried by the punk bands the first wave (1972-1978), among others, Sex Pistols and The Clash, is seen as the only option for those who have lost confidence in the authority of the state, society, and the music industry.
In Indonesia, the term anarchy, anarchism, anarchist or used by the mass media to declare an act of vandalism, fights, or mass violence. Yet according to the originators, namely William Godwin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Mikhail Bakunin and anarchism is an ideology that requires the formation of a society without the state, assuming that the state is a legal form of dictatorship must end.
Determine the application of state laws and regulations often are coercive, limiting citizens to vote and take responsibility for his own choice. The anarchists believed when the dominance of state over the people eliminated, the right to exploit the natural wealth and human resources will grow by itself. Able to meet the needs of the people of his own life without interference from the state.
Interpret the punk anarchism is not just limited to mere political understanding. In everyday life, anarchism means without the restraint of rules, both from public and record companies, because they can create their own rules to live and record companies as they wish. Punk ethics of this kind commonly known as DIY (do it yourself / do it yourself).
Involvement in the punk ideology of anarchism is finally giving a new color in the ideology of anarchism itself, because the khasan punk has its own in its movement. That carries the punk movement of anarchism as an ideology commonly known as anarcho-punk movement.

Interpret the punk anarchism is not just limited to mere political understanding. In everyday life, anarchism means without the restraint of rules, both from public and record companies, because they can create their own rules to live and record companies as they wish. Punk ethics of this kind commonly known as DIY (do it yourself / do it yourself).
Involvement in the punk ideology of anarchism is finally giving a new color in the ideology of anarchism itself, because the khasan punk has its own in its movement. That carries the punk movement of anarchism as an ideology commonly known as anarcho-punk movement.
PuNk In Indonesia Country
Armed with a DIY ethic, some punk communities in big cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Malang started the business recordings and limited distribution. They make their own record label for shade like-minded bands as well as distribute it to the market. Then the business has grown into a kind of small shops, commonly called distributions.

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