Scarlett Johansson Tattoo Reyang
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The Timeless Fad of Pin-Up Girl Tattoos
Pin-up girls are not only popular for poster collectors, but they are also popular as the subjects for tattoo artists. Not-so-modest women depicted in alluring poses can be found tattooed on many men (and women) who appreciate the industry. Their beauty, charm, and daring behaviours appeal to individuals all over the world, as they symbolize and celebrate female femininity.Pin-up girl tattoos originally became famous in the military. As nose-art (pin-up art on the front of fighter and bomber planes) gained popularity, so did these tattoos. Soldiers and sailors, lonely men isolated from women, had these tattoos done to remember what they left back home. The inspiration for these designs often came from female starlets such as Betty Grable and Marilyn Monroe, as well as fantastical works with themes like 'Devil', 'Angel', or 'Cowgirl'. Designs of modern day aren't so different; Celebrities like Scarlett Johansson or Megan Fox still inspire pin-up tattoo artists, as well as original themed works.
Tattoos of pin-up girls are perfect ways for men to express the appreciation and attraction they have for women. Lovely, sultry females who aren't afraid of their own sexuality will immediately capture a man's attention; this fascination they hold can be freely expressed in body art. For women it is basically the same; they are celebrating their femininity and love for the genre. To them it is female empowerment, 'Girl Power' you may say. In its purest form, pin-up girl tattoos are an expression of attractiveness, lust, and charm.
So if you are thinking of getting a tattoo, consider a pin-up girl. This kind of tattoo goes well with both male and female genders, and gives you a chance to be creative with your design. Not sure what pin-up you want? Browse the internet. Works by Alberto Vargas or Joyce Ballantyne would translate well from paper to skin, as they are done with a blended technique with well defined anatomy and poses.

Tattoos on Women - Feel Sexier, Stronger, More Rebellious?
Do tattoos make you feel different? Most people say they do not feel any different, but some people do.The results of a survey in 2008 showed:
· 31% of people said they felt sexier with a tattoo
· 36% said they felt more rebellious
· 19% felt attractive and strong
How will feel when you get your first tattoo? There is a one in three chance you will feel sexier and around the same degree of chance you will feel more rebellious. You might fall into all groups and feel sexier, more rebellious, stronger and attractive - a powerful combination. If that could be guaranteed then more people would be lining up to get inked.
Angelina Jolie seems to be one person who embodies all groups. She is seen as sexy, strong and attractive. She is rebellious to the extent she does not let convention dictate the way she lives. So, do her tattoos make her feel this way or are they simply a sign of her personality, her persona? Maybe it is a mixture of both.
Some people simply feel good about their tattoo. Scarlett Johansson has a brightly coloured picture of a sunrise over water painted on her arm. She says it makes her feel happy. Lara Bingle, Australian model, has "Wish you were here" tattooed on the inside of her wrist, in remembrance of her father. No doubt she derives a sense of affection and comfort when she looks at those words. Others have done similar things - Kate Cassidy, singer and actress, has the year her grandmother was born written on her hip. This is certainly a way to remember loved ones and to feel their presence, which, in turn, makes you feel good. It could also be a source of strength during difficult times.
Do you care what others think? Do you want to be regarded as a bit of a rebel? Over half the people without a tattoo regard people with tattoos as more rebellious while just under half think people with tattoos are less attractive. You want to be sexier? 39% of people without tattoos say people with tattoos are less sexy but then we have already found about a third of people with tattoos feel sexier. If you are too concerned about others' opinions you may decide not to tattoo.
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