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Selena Tattoo

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Selena Tattoo

It's Way Too Hot to Handle!

Are you still that conservative chick that is having second thoughts of getting a tattoo? Are you still living in the conservatives' era that you are way too conscious what others will say or think of you when you have that sizzling hot tattoo at least on your arms?

Are you this chick? At the end of the day, when everyone has already left, and you are now at the solace of your own self, you badly want a tattoo because deep down you could feel that you are incomplete without them?

Then worry no more. Truly, tattoo enthusiasts could hear your concerns the reason why they are now designing premium designs for the lower back tattoo. Think flowers, cherubim, butterflies, tribal, Celtics and many others! The possibilities are actually endless and you could take pride on it without enduring the scrutinizing eyes that exist in your little world.

No, don't ever think that we don't understand. We perfectly do. In fact research shows that most women would want to have tattoo in the most secluded areas of their body.

Tina, 19, a call center agent, thinks that having a tattoo is sexy. It boosts your morale and confidence by the mere knowledge that you have endured the pain of having one.

Even more, Selena, 24, a marketing executive, is interested to have a lower back tattoo. I find it hot to put it down there. More than the confidence and alluring appeal that you think it brings, it could be more like a surprise and it thrills me when others are dying to take a glance of it!

Lower back tattoos for women could also be your own name, any phrase written in Chinese characters or simply anything that your creative juices would dictate.

Tribal Cancer Tattoo and the Moon Motif - How to Make Your Tattoo One of a Kind

Cancer tribal tattoo is very appropriate for people born between June 21 and July 22. Ruled by the Moon, Cancerians are known to be compassionate and kind, emotional and nurturing. They are also known for their ever changing mood swings that concur with the phases of the Moon. According to astrology, there is a mysterious connection between Cancer natives and the Moon. That's why incorporating the image of the Moon in your tattoo can make it very impressive and full of symbolism.

For centuries the Moon has represented the soul and the unconscious self. The fascination of people with the Moon is the reason for the existence of several Moon goddesses in mythology. You can use the Moon goddess motif in your tattoo to make it more stylish and original.

1 Incorporate the image of the Greek Goddess Selene. Selene was the Greek Moon goddess. She was usually depicted with pale face, covered in robes of white and silver with an upturned Crescent diadem upon her head. Selena bathed in the ocean each night under the Moon light and then jumped on her silver chariot pulled by white horses to go back to heaven.

2 Incorporate the image of Luna. Luna is the Roman goddess of the Moon. She had unbelievable powers over the emotions and the unconscious world of humans. It was believe that she could drive people insane if they offended her.

3 The Crescent glyph. The glyph of the Moon is a Crescent. The Crescent represents our emotional energies, the ebbs and flows of our emotional tides. Adding a crescent is a good way to enrich your basic tattoo design.

Combing your cancer tribal tattoo with the Moon motif can produce impressive and stylish tattoo designs. Keep in mind that a tribal tattoo is hard to erase or cover up, because of the large amount of ink used. That's why you should invest enough time and effort when trying to pick the tattoo design that really works for you.

Selena Gomez Tattoo 2011

Selena Gomez Tattoo 2011

Girl Tattoo Ideas - Best Tips Before Getting A Tattoo

If you're looking for girl tattoo ideas, then it shouldn't take you too long to find one. From the wacky to the classic designs, you can find a unique tattoo ideas online and even offline. Before you do get a tattoo, there are a couple of considerations that you should take note of when it comes to tattoo ideas.

Go to the Right Sources

Getting a tattoo is a major decision. You don't want to make a mistake with your tattoo design because you are stuck with it for life. If you are bent on getting a tattoo, get a design from a reputable source. Here are some possible design sources:

- Getting the right tattoo artist can make all the difference. All artists who would like to maintain a regular clientele build their design portfolios. You should however, opt for an artist who has had real experience tattooing the designs in his gallery. You probably don't want to be the experimental first client.

- Online galleries are also a great choice. Many of these galleries contain hundreds of thousands of categorized designs that you can choose from. If you are a great fan of the art, you may want to sign up for a membership so you can have access to unlimited tattoo designs.

- Be open about getting your girl tattoo ideas from other inspirations. You may be able to find a good design in a textbook or fantasy book. Some of your friends may also have cool and unique tattoos. Make sure though to consult an experienced tattoo artist about the feasibility of the design of your choice.

Pick One that Matches Your Spot

The body spot where you put your tattoo on can make a lot of difference. There are some body parts that just look better with certain patterns and design sizes. Make sure you consider the spot you want tattooed before settling on a design. Your foot for example may not look very good with a huge design. Girls' feet will look daintier with small designs. Another example would be tattoo designs on the lower back. You can settle for a small design but that would be useless if your real purpose is to show off your curves. If showing off is what you want, settle for full horizontal designs that stretch over the lower back.

Settle for Something Meaningful

Ink tattoos cannot be erased. That means you should rather settle for a design that has some meaning for you. You would probably feel better if you could explain to curious people what the symbols in your body mean. Knowing what your designs mean will also ensure that you need not get stuck with designs that have bad connotations. Pick tattoos that you are sure you will love for the rest of your life.

Don't Scrimp

There are discount tattoo designs and services. Just like everything else, you have the opportunity to save a few dollars on your tattoo design. You could for example pick free designs online or settle for a lesser known tattoo artist. You should consider though that you are asking for a service that cannot be undone. If you want a great tattoo, always settle for the best. Don't scrimp on your tattoo design or artist.

Top 5 Sexiest Shoulder Tattoo Designs For Women

Shoulder tattoos when proudly flaunted add a lot of character and interest to a woman's personality. The shoulder is a sexy part of a female's body and it can even be highlighted when inked with interesting and playful display of tattoo art. With this body canvas being huge and flat, there is an ample room for great artistry and creativity to create an amazing tat piece. Here are the top 5 sexiest designs that would absolutely look exquisite on a woman's shoulder.

Women never get tired of butterflies, every female wants to have a piece of this fascinating creature tattooed on their body. Who can blame them? Butterflies with their colorful wings and adventurous life are always admired by women. Their ability to roam free and be beautiful after all the life cycle they went through is a story that the females can always relate to. Butterfly tattoos are usually rendered on the shoulder blades fluttering their wings while looking naturally pretty and amazing.

A woman can never go wrong with flower tattoos on her shoulder. There are a vast array of flowers to choose from but the popular ones still reign-cherry blossoms, rose, lotus, hibiscus and lily. These flowers are mostly favored because of their vivid colors, exquisite petals and symbolical meaning. They might be common but there are tons of ways to make them unique and special; its all up to the creativity of the tattoo artist.

Star tattoos on the shoulder can create a certain spark and add a lot of brightness and interest. Even if stars are very basic and simple, they have their own charismatic appeal but women never seem to get tired of them. They are portrayed either as shooting star tattoos or just merely a cluster of stars grouped together.

Birds are generally friendly natures and they can mean a whole lot of things depending on what kind. Some of the most popular bird tattoos seen on a woman's shoulder blade are swallow, sparrow, dove, phoenix and eagle. They can represent things that are positive such as freedom, independence, peace and loyalty.

Tribal tattoos are fitting on the shoulder because they can be inked to make them look perfectly symmetrical to the shape of this body part. They are characterized by a combination of thick and bold lines, dark black colors and highlighted by some curves and angles to make them look more feminine. Tattoos are originally from the people belonging to tribes during the early times so this design is definitely iconic and representative of its humble beginnings. That is why, tribal tattoos have never lost its appeal even up to now. Some of the most popular kinds of tribal tattoos are Polynesian, Aztec, Samoan and Maori.

So there you go, the top 5 most sought designs for shoulder tattoos for women. There are a multitude of ways to make them creative and unique, its all up to your imagination and personal preference. Good luck on your tattoo journey.

scarlett johansson reyang tattoo

scarlett johansson reyang tattoo

Celebrity Tattoos - Rihanna

Rihanna is a huge tattoo lover. She loves tattoos so much that she has a total of eleven and she also enjoys spending her free time just hanging out in tattoo studios. Although the Barbados born beauty has eleven tattoos you probably haven't even noticed half of them, half of them are very small and in unnoticeable places.

Here's a list of her eleven tattoo:

1. A music note on her ankle.
2. The Pisces sign behind her right ear
3. A star in her left ear
4. Sanskrit prayer going down her hip
5. The word 'love' on her left middle finger
6. A patch of star dust on the back of her neck
7. [she turned #6 into] a trail of stars going down her back
8. The phrase 'shhh...' on her right index finger
9. The date 11-4-1986 on top of her left shoulder
10. A skull on the back of her left ankle
11. "Freedom in God" written in Arabic on her left side

Rihanna loves to talk about her tattoos and loves to explain what they mean. She sat down with The View in Las Vegas and talked to them about her latest tattoo.

Celebrity Tattoo Removal - Stories of Tattoo Regret

Today, more than ever, celebrities are running to tattoo parlors in an effort to express themselves. Body art has become an accessory to many such as teacup dogs and expensive purses. The number of celebrities with tattoos is on the rise. In the old days, it was prominently the metal and punk rockers and athletes that were heavily inked.

Nowadays, ink can be found on celebrity bodies from the cat walk, to the small screen, and to the red carpet and the big screen. However, not all celebrities heed the advice of picking the right tattoo that they won't one day regret. Therefore, as number of celebrities get tattoos rises, so does the number of tattoo regret and tattoo removal.

One of the main reasons that people, including celebrities, goes into see a laser tattoo removal specialist is because they have the name of a former lover inked on their body or they may have matching tattoos inspired by an ex. There are plenty of examples of celebrities that have had tattoo regret for just this reason. They have either had their tattoos removed by laser tattoo treatments or lightened to cover their unwanted tattoos.

Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton. Angelina had Billy Bob's name tattooed on her arm, while Billy Bob had Angelina's name inked on his bicep. They were married for 3 years and then divorced. Angelina decided on laser tattoo removal to lighten her tattoo and a cover-up tattoo shortly after their divorce and had her children's birthplaces inked in the same location. Billy Bob decided on a cover-up solution also. He had Angelina's name covered with an angel and the word "peace."

Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen. Denise decided to have Charlie tattooed on her ankle while Charlie had Denise tattooed on his wrist. They were married and later divorced. Denise had her "Charlie" tattoo transformed into a fairy, while Charlie had his "Denise" lasered away.

Tom Arnold and Roseanne Barr. Tom tops the list for the most tattoos of an ex. He had a whooping 4 tattoos of Roseanne, his wife at the time, including a portrait of her on his chest. Roseanne had a "Property of Tom Arnold" tattooed on her hip. Once divorced, Tom had all of his tattoos laser removed. Roseanne opted for a cover-up of her "Tom" tattoo.

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. They decided after a short courtship to get married and also get matching tattoos. They both had dice tattooed on their arms, Britney's dice were pink while Kevin's were blue. Once their relationship sizzled and they were no longer seen together, both sets of dice disappeared as well with laser tattoo removal.

Nick Carter and Paris Hilton. They were only together for a short 7 months when these two love birds to have each others names inked on their bodies. Nick had "Paris" tattooed on his wrist while "Paris" had Nick tattooed on her bottom. Paris had her tattoo laser removed not long after she had the tattoo done. Nick decided to have his "Paris" covered up with a skull and the phrase "Old Habits Die Hard."

Some other celebrities that have donned their love by inking their skin include Pamela Anderson, Kathy Griffin, and Johnny Depp. Pamela Anderson had "Tommy" inked on her ring finger when they were together and later had it changed to read "Mommy" after they split. Kathy Griffin also had a wedding ring inked on her finger when she was married. Later when she was divorced, she decided it was time to have her tattoo laser removed. Johnny Depp who fell madly in love with Winona Ryder had no problem showing his love for her by having "Winona Forever" tattooed on his chest, only to later have it changed to "Wino Forever" after their love fizzled.

Having a lover's name, face,symbol, or matching tattoos are not the only tattoos celebrities have that they regret. They too have been guilty of getting certain images or sayings that represented who they were at a certain time in their lives. Tommy Lee and Tony Danza both had tattoos done early on in life that no longer represented who they are and therefore looked to laser tattoo removal. Tommy Lee had a swastika inked on his rib cage. He decided to remove the tattoo so it would no longer hinder his image. Tony Danza had "Keep on Truckin" tattooed on his body during his younger days. He decided on laser tattoo removal shortly after it was first readily available.

Two rappers whose images are widely known and recognized for their ink, Pharrell Williams and 50 Cent are both undergoing laser tattoo removal treatments. They are both looking into other opportunities than being rap stars and they both believe that removing their tattoos with improve their images. Even with all the musical talent and fame these two stars have, 50 cent's aspirations to act are cut short or he spends up to 4 hours covering his tattoos with make-up in order to do a movie scene. Pharrell is in the process of designing a clothing line and wants to be taken as a serious entrepreneur.

Whether these celebrities had gotten tattoos when they were young, in love, or for their simple love of tattoos, they all experienced tattoo regret and did something about it. Tattoos once thought to be permanent can be removed with laser tattoo removal treatments or even lightened with laser tattoo removal treatments and then covered with a new tattoo.

Celebrity Tattoos - Johnny Depp

Well you all know what today is. It's Wednesday so that means it's time for another edition of celebrity tattoos. This week I decided to go with Johnny Depp. I have had a crush on his since the 21 Jump Street Days and the man seems to get better looking the older he gets. Not to mention that Johnny just nailed the top position of being the highest paid actor in Hollywood right now. Johnny is earning $50 million a picture now. Well if you are a fan of Johnny Depp you know that he has quit a bit of tattoos.

Johnny has 14 known tattoos to date. The most famous of those 14 is probably the Wino Forever tattoo he has on his arm, which used to read Winona Forever. He also has a Cherokee Indian Chief in full headdress below the Wino Forever tattoo on his arm. This one is to remember his ancestral cultural heritage.

Johnny also has several tattoos that pertain to his family. He has Lily Rose his daughters name tattooed over his heart. He has his son's name Jack tattooed his forearm with a Sparrow flying over water above that one. He also has a tattoo of Betty Sue which is his mother in the middle of a heart on his bicep. Above that there is some sort of triangle tattoo. He also has the symbol for The Brave a movie he did tattooed on the inside of his forearm.

Johnny also has some random tattoos on his body. Like the three rectangles on his right index finger and the number three between his thumb and index finger on his left hand. Johnny also has a skull and cross bones tattoo on his lower right leg that reads death is certain and some sort of symbol or something on his right ankle.

Johnny explains the reasoning behind all of his tattoos and why he has so many:

"My body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist."

Celebrity Tattoos - Lindsay Lohan

This troubled teen star has a handful of tattoos of her own. She even has a very strange white tattoo that looks more like a branding than an actual tattoo. Lindsay has a total of five tattoos, believe it or not

Here is a list of all of Lindsay's tattoos

1. A star outlined in black on her wrist

2. A small red star in between her thumb and index finger on her left hand

3. A small heart outlined in black on her right hand in between her thumb and index finger

4. "la bella vita" tattooed on her lower back which means life is beautiful in Italian. It has been reported that Lindsay got this tattoo in remembrance on her Italian grandfather.

5. The last and probably most interesting tattoo Lindsay has is on her right wrist. She has the word "Breathe" tattooed in white ink. It is hard to notice unless you are very close up. It looks more like a branding that a tattoo. It has been reported that Lindsay got the word breathe on her wrist from a quote she liked by John Lennon. "Get out there and get peace, think peace, live peace, and breathe peace, and you'll get it as soon as you like." But Lindsay also admits that it helps remind her to breathe and how important life is.

Rumor has it that Lindsay is so much in love with tattoos that she wants to open her very own tattoo parlor and is actually looking for partners and investors.

Scarlett Johansson Tattoo Reyang

Scarlett Johansson Tattoo Reyang

The Timeless Fad of Pin-Up Girl Tattoos

Pin-up girls are not only popular for poster collectors, but they are also popular as the subjects for tattoo artists. Not-so-modest women depicted in alluring poses can be found tattooed on many men (and women) who appreciate the industry. Their beauty, charm, and daring behaviours appeal to individuals all over the world, as they symbolize and celebrate female femininity.

Pin-up girl tattoos originally became famous in the military. As nose-art (pin-up art on the front of fighter and bomber planes) gained popularity, so did these tattoos. Soldiers and sailors, lonely men isolated from women, had these tattoos done to remember what they left back home. The inspiration for these designs often came from female starlets such as Betty Grable and Marilyn Monroe, as well as fantastical works with themes like 'Devil', 'Angel', or 'Cowgirl'. Designs of modern day aren't so different; Celebrities like Scarlett Johansson or Megan Fox still inspire pin-up tattoo artists, as well as original themed works.

Tattoos of pin-up girls are perfect ways for men to express the appreciation and attraction they have for women. Lovely, sultry females who aren't afraid of their own sexuality will immediately capture a man's attention; this fascination they hold can be freely expressed in body art. For women it is basically the same; they are celebrating their femininity and love for the genre. To them it is female empowerment, 'Girl Power' you may say. In its purest form, pin-up girl tattoos are an expression of attractiveness, lust, and charm.

So if you are thinking of getting a tattoo, consider a pin-up girl. This kind of tattoo goes well with both male and female genders, and gives you a chance to be creative with your design. Not sure what pin-up you want? Browse the internet. Works by Alberto Vargas or Joyce Ballantyne would translate well from paper to skin, as they are done with a blended technique with well defined anatomy and poses.

Tattoos on Women - Feel Sexier, Stronger, More Rebellious?

Do tattoos make you feel different? Most people say they do not feel any different, but some people do.

The results of a survey in 2008 showed:

· 31% of people said they felt sexier with a tattoo
· 36% said they felt more rebellious
· 19% felt attractive and strong

How will feel when you get your first tattoo? There is a one in three chance you will feel sexier and around the same degree of chance you will feel more rebellious. You might fall into all groups and feel sexier, more rebellious, stronger and attractive - a powerful combination. If that could be guaranteed then more people would be lining up to get inked.

Angelina Jolie seems to be one person who embodies all groups. She is seen as sexy, strong and attractive. She is rebellious to the extent she does not let convention dictate the way she lives. So, do her tattoos make her feel this way or are they simply a sign of her personality, her persona? Maybe it is a mixture of both.

Some people simply feel good about their tattoo. Scarlett Johansson has a brightly coloured picture of a sunrise over water painted on her arm. She says it makes her feel happy. Lara Bingle, Australian model, has "Wish you were here" tattooed on the inside of her wrist, in remembrance of her father. No doubt she derives a sense of affection and comfort when she looks at those words. Others have done similar things - Kate Cassidy, singer and actress, has the year her grandmother was born written on her hip. This is certainly a way to remember loved ones and to feel their presence, which, in turn, makes you feel good. It could also be a source of strength during difficult times.

Do you care what others think? Do you want to be regarded as a bit of a rebel? Over half the people without a tattoo regard people with tattoos as more rebellious while just under half think people with tattoos are less attractive. You want to be sexier? 39% of people without tattoos say people with tattoos are less sexy but then we have already found about a third of people with tattoos feel sexier. If you are too concerned about others' opinions you may decide not to tattoo.

Scarlett Johansson Tattoo

Scarlett Johansson Tattoo

Scarlett Helps De-Stigmatize STD Testing in LA

Scarlett Johansson inadvertently made herself the unofficial STD testing Los Angeles spokesperson when she offered her opinion on how frequently people should be checked for HIV. In an interview, Scarlett spoke of how she considered it 'disgusting' and 'irresponsible' that people neglect to get checked for STDs.

For a short time, the actress and top-earning Hollywood star brought the media spotlight onto the social issue of regular STD testing. Los Angeles resident, Johansson told an interviewer that she gets tested for HIV every six months. Furthermore, she stated how she thinks poorly of people who don't try or care to know about their sexual health, saying that to get a regular STD test "is part of being a decent human".

Getting tested twice a year might seem exceptionally frequent to some people. Could being motivated to get tested so often indicate that the safe sex practices in Hollywood are otherwise lax or inadequate? Knowing the reputation for fast-and-loose living that Hollywood has, Scarlett was quick to point out that she is far from promiscuous, saying "[people] are mistaken for thinking I'm sexually available in some way."

Lifestyles and speculation aside, Johansson has raised the profile and reduced the stigma of STD testing in Los Angeles and beyond. The actress's comments motivated the British press to print statistics from the National AIDS Trust, which stated that there were as many as seven thousand new cases of HIV diagnosed in the UK in 2006. "Diseases will continue to spread unless we stop stigmatizing" said a spokesperson, adding that responsible behavior is the proper use of condoms and getting an STD test whenever you put yourself at risk.

L.A. Charities and Projects

Back on this side of the Atlantic, citizens can now find free STD testing in Los Angeles County.

APLA (which stands for Aids Project Los Angeles) is a disease prevention and advocacy service whose statistics show that there are between 42,400 - 46,600 people living with the knowledge and burden of a positive HIV test in LA.

This alarming figure is taken from the "Program of HIV Epidemiology and STD testing" by Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, an official study conducted two years ago, in 2008. Worryingly, the same study suggests that there is a significant portion of the local population (about 15,000) that does not know that they are carrying the virus.

Both APLA and the UK's National AIDS Trust agree that the issue of undiagnosed carrier is partly because of the shame, reluctance, apathy and stigma surrounding getting an STD test. In Los Angeles, APLA launched the 'What you don't know CAN kill you' in 1991 to try to encourage testing uptake.

American Testing

Looking further back, a 1985 country-wide poll placed 72% of American in favor of obligatory STD testing, which sounds encouraging. However, the same survey also suggested that half of our nation agree with quarantine for HIV carriers. Still more alarming is that 15 percent of Americans consider it a good idea to tattoo people who have the disease.

Despite the controversies and hearsay, when high-profile celebrities like Scarlett Johansson speak out on the issue, it helps the cause of activists and charities that are battling to raise awareness and stem the spread of HIV and other diseases.

Be Iron Man 2 This Halloween

Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, played by Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow, made a great duo in Iron Man 2. Ivan Vanko gave Iron Man a run for his money, but in the end he didn't stand a chance. With the 3rd installment already in development, you should take advantage of your chance to be one of the most popular modern super heroes.

There are several classic red Iron Man costumes for kids and adults. The Mark 6 Light Up Deluxe Adult Costume is a great pick. This costume includes a jumpsuit that has a muscled torso and arms. The chest even lights up, just like in the movie! A helmet is included, but if you want to take it off, you might want the Tony Stark Facial Hair. This way you can have the same goatee and mustache as Tony Stark without growing out your own hair for weeks. Kids can try the Mark VI Classic Muscle Child Costume. Just add the Classic Child Gloves and you're all set.

So you'd rather be the bad guy? No problem. The Whiplash Adult Costume comes with Ivan's Signature chest piece and faux whips. You're sure to looks super intimidating. The costume doesn't include pants though, so you may want to add the black Men's Pants. They are simple, sleek, and perfect for this costume. Kids can also join in on the deviant fun with their own Whiplash Costume. Just add the Scrape Tattoos to create a really fierce look. No blood required!

Girls can be Iron Man too. It is, after all, the 21st century. The Ironette Sexy Adult Costume comes with s shiny red dress, boot covers, gloves, and an eye mask. Now that's one hot superhero! Younger girls can try the Iron Child/Tween Costume. Rather take Scarlett Johansson's role? Try the Black Widow Sexy Adult Costume. It includes a dark blue, low-cut faux-leather jumpsuit, belt, and 3-D wrist cuffs. The 4" patent Sexy Emma Adult Boots are all you need to kick super villain butt.

Don't forget to complete your costume with some great accessories. The Iron Man Face Tattoo is a great alternative to wearing a bulky helmet all night and the Arc Reactor Glow Accessory looks exactly like what you saw in the movie. If you're headed out for a night of trick-or-treating, the Folding Pail, which looks like Iron Man's face, is a great accessory. Just make sure Whiplash hasn't snuck anything dangerous into your candy stash!

Scarlett Johansson Tattoo

Scarlett Johansson Tattoo

Celebrity Tattoos - Brad Pitt

Since it is Wednesday it's time for my weekly installment of Celebrity Tattoos. This week I decided to go with Brad Pitt, mainly because so many women and men think he is the sexiest man alive and that a lot of people are not ware that Brad actually has tattoos. To be honest you will probably be shocked to how many Brad has.

The first tattoo of Brad's I'm going to start with is the one on his back. There has been a lot of speculation to what it was. But I'm here to tell you it's not a map of New Orleans. It is just a bunch of scribbles that Angelina drew on his back one night when they were playing around. Angelina said he liked the lines and decided to get them tattooed on him. There are also reports of Brad having another tattoo on his back that is a Sanskrit blessing of protection for his adopted son Maddox, that matches a similar tattoo on Angelina's body.

Another one of Brad's tattoo is of Angelina's birth date written in Khmer and it says 06/4/75. Which can be found on his stomach.

The last two tattoo's that Brad are on his forearm and one of them is an outline of Ötzi the Iceman, also known as the Frozen Fritz and Similaun Man. The other tattoo is just below his iceman. It's written in French and translates to "life is absurd,"

As far as I know these are the only tattoos that Brad has, but knowing him and Angelina I wouldn't put it past him to have another one hidden somewhere private for only he and Angelina to see.

Beautiful, Famous, Female Celebrity Tattoos

Celebrity Tattoos: Who's Wearing What

The beautiful and famous women in Hollywood are hitting the Red Carpet not only decorated with flowing gowns, dazzling diamonds, and brilliant jewels many are also bejeweled with colorful tattoos designs.

With the word "Tattoos" one of the top keywords searched on the Internet today, and the basis of two popular TV reality shows, it's no surprise America's hottest fashion runway is on fire with female celebrity tattoo designs.

Tattoo popularity began to take off after debuting on the stages of musicians and rockers, then spilling over into pop culture celebrities.

Tattoos are seen on many beautiful celebrity stars such as Drew Barrymore, Britney Spears, Charlize Theron, Gillian Anderson, Pamela Anderson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Christina Ricci, and Janet Jackson.

Oscar winners such as Marisa Tomei, Melannie Griffith, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Julia Roberts are all intriguing, fascinating, and yes tattooed. And Actresses are not the only beauties baring ink. Supermodels Christy Turlington, Stephanie Seymour, Carrie Otis and Kate Moss are all members of the celebrity tattoo club.

Hollywood's beautiful and glamorous female celebrity tattoos are found on many areas of the body, lower back, ankles, necks, arms wrist and all of which is in between.

Foot Tattoos or "Pedi-Souvenirs" are very popular among vacationers thus as permanent mementos of a great trip. Famous tattooed tootsies included Carrie Otis, Kate Hudson, Charlize Theron, and three musically talented ladies of the Dixie Chicks.

Ankle Tattoos are very popular among supermodels. Many women prefer ankle tattoos because they can easily be shown or covered with a wardrobe change. Christy Turlington, Rebecca Romijn, Denise Richards, Christina Applegate, and Penelope Cruz are just a few lovely ladies decorated with ankle art.

Hip Tattoos are considered to be the most attractive and sensual tattoos among women. Women often wear bikinis and low cut pants displaying their designs. Sarah Michelle Gellar, Reese Witherspoon, and Drew Barrymore are among the "hippest" tattoo designs.

Lower Back Tattoos are tall on the list as a favorite body area for celebrity leading ladies. Considered one of the sexiest, sensual, areas on a woman, the lower back is also one of the most versatile places to tattoo, exposed on the beach and covered in the office. Tattoos on the lower back can be private and secretly hidden from the rest of the world, or flaunted and displayed proudly. Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria, Norah Jones and Lucy Liu are names of just a few of the fabulously famous with lower back tattoos.

Wrist Tattoos are another popular area chosen among the stars. A wrist tattoo can be easily hidden under a watch or decorative bracelet if need be. Lindsay Lohan, model Sara Spraker, Carmen Electra

Upper Arm Tattoos, specifically female armband tattoos have literally come around again in popularity. In particular, Tribal Band tattoos have been increasingly in demand and more than likely have paid for a large number of artists' Harleys parked in front of tattoo shops. Pamela Anderson helped to trigger the "band wagon" with her sexy barbwire tat.

Breast Tattoos are popular and there is a difference between chest and breast tattoos. Examples of breast tattoos are widely searched on the Internet. But if you are looking for celebrity breast tattoos look to Teri Polo, Christina Ricci, and Rapper Eve.

Neck Tattoos, were once a body area considered taboo by the majority of tattoo artists, but more recently have been increasing in numbers and showing up pushing the boundaries of what society tolerates as acceptable. Today, beauties such as Alyssa Milano, Brittany Spears, supermodel James King, and musician Kelly Clarkson are putting their necks out on the line.

Full Body Suit, was a tattoo termin the past that excluded the neck, hands, and face so when attending social functions tattoos could be "cover-up with a dress "suit" or long dress. Today, a full body suit tattoo is just that - head to toe and all of that in between. Among those daring enough to sport the "suit" are tattoo fashion icons Kat Von D and Theo Kogan.

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