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Tattoo Maori Latest Posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

Maori tattoo art and traditional Maori tattoos are so incredibly unique; these particular traditional maori tattoos have their own identity and meaning among the Polynesian culture. Maori is a tribe that came from Polynesia to New Zealand. The word Maori is defined in the dictionary as to be "ordinary", "natural" or of the "normal". These Maori tattoos are anything but normal or ordinary. In fact, they hold such meaning and tradition that it is thought among the Maori people to be insulting to have a Maori tribal tattoo of this nature, outside of the Maori families or tribes.

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

Maori tattoo art is beautiful, bold and painful! The Maori tattoos consist of multiple designs placed over the entire body. They are beautiful shapes, symbols and dark, distinct patterns. Fabulous spirals are among the most common seen. Most Maori people will place these beautiful designs on their face, buttocks and legs. In the Maori language, these beautiful tattoos are called "Ta Moko" in the Maori tribe, which means to strike or tap. Traditional Maori tattoos are carved into the skin with a small chisel instead of punctured into the skin by a needle like we see now.

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

The Maori men generally have these designs tattooed over their entire body. The Maori women generally are tattooed on the lips, chin, back and neck. The tattoo is done with a chisel made of bone or animal tusk and takes hours, even years to complete. Today when someone has a tattoo like this done, it can take up to a year to complete.

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tattoo maori

Interestingly enough, the tattoo ink comes from a common vegetable substance and the other portion is from the caterpillar. The black tattoo ink that is commonly used for the face is made of wood that is heavily burned. Maori tattoo art usually will start around adolescence for the boys, and is used to celebrate a milestone event or series of events throughout their life, representing childhood into their adulthood.

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

Maori tattoo art and Maori traditional tattoos is still very much a common practice and gaining greater popularity in New Zealand today and many celebrities have adorned themselves these tattoos.

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tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

In the past there were eight common correlations of the Maori tattoos significance and their placement of the body, they were as follows:

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tattoo maori

Uma (first of second marriage) - Placed at the temples

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tattoo maori

Ngakaipikirau (rank) - Placed at the centre of the forehead

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tattoo maori

Ngunga (position) - Placed around the brows

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tattoo maori

Uirere (hapu rank) - Placed at the eyes and nose area

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tattoo maori

Raurau (signature) - Placed under the nose

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tattoo maori

Taiohou (work) - Placed on the cheeks

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tattoo maori

Taitoto (birth status) - Placed at the jaws

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tattoo maori

Wairua (mana) - Placed at the chin

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A person with no tattoos was considered as a person with no social standing and was looked down upon.

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 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

Tattoo Maori

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

Maori tattoos referred to as Ta Moko is a tradition which originated from eastern Polynesia and is particularly distinctive from almost every other kind of tattoo. Maori tattoo design gurus also known as tohunga-ta-moko traditionally utilized a variety of chisels or uhi from the particular bone fragments of an albatross and etched it onto the skin making the tattoo with grooves in contrast to the smooth finished look of tattoos that individuals have grown to be familiar with. The albatross bone could be hafted onto a handle in addition to then banged down using a mallet. The tohunga-to-moko would likely implement awheto for the body colouring in addition to burnt timbers generally known as ngarehu for your more dark blacker facial area color.

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

Within pre-European Maori heritage most people with a higher position acquired a Maori tattoo design and those which did not include one were observed as having a lesser social reputation. The Maori tattoo design along with its rituals and rites were experienced as a changeover from childhood to adulthood, countless would have a Maori tattoo design in order to become more appealing to the opposite sex.

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tattoo maori

In the past, these tattoo designs are located on the faces, buttocks and also upper thighs of men as well as on the lip area and additionally chins of ladies then again some females choose to wear them upon their thighs and also necks along with men have been recently noticed to a possess them upon their bellies and calves.

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tattoo maori

Maori designs are comprised of spirals which usually relay an ancestral/tribal message to that who wears them. These messages relay information belonging to the wearer's family and also tribal affiliations as well as ones socials rank as well as standing. Such messages would relay that persons valuation as well as understanding within their social standing.

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tattoo maori

Many Maori were born and brought up in small-scale village surroundings referred to as hapu and the tattoos of ta moko would reveal this stating their level of recognition inside their hapu. The genealogical marks on Maori tattoo designs will also detail whether or not the individual was supplying his/her public position by means of blood or involvement. Describing whether that person earned his / her status on virtue associated with inheritance as well as accreditation.

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tattoo maori

Usually in the 90s there was a surge in the number of men and women obtaining Maori tattoos illustrating the revival in this language and traditions. A lot of people are deciding upon the common technique of doing ta moko with chisels rather than using a now common needle.

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tattoo maori

With the latest insurgence of Maori tattoo designs and the number of non Maoris practicing the actual art, a large number of common local Maoris' have voiced their own thoughts in addition to made their unhappiness known, most feeling it is actually exploiting their particular heritage as well as culture. Numerous Maori tattoo designs have intense profound connotations plus keep a holy meaning which can be viewed to offend when used for attractive reasons or for the sake of look.

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tattoo maori

For individuals who are interested in Maori tattoos and also are hoping to get one, there are various designs via the internet on the market to you nevertheless you need to verify the particular significance associated with what you are having designed into your skin prior to going ahead with the idea. In case you are thinking of having the more traditional style associated with implementing Maori tattoos plus you are a person who can put up with a good deal of discomfort and also be geared up for a prolonged process then it's equally important to recognise the significance of the tattoo as each and every line of the Maori tattoo design must be precise and it should tell its very own story and provides particular importance as well as interpretation.

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tattoo maori

There are many more hints and tips available to you on our website where you can find several different design categories.

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tattoo maori

Here you can find many more hints and tips when looking for the perfect tattoo design for you. Be sure to check us out at

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

Maori tattoos referred to as Ta Moko is a tradition which originated from eastern Polynesia and is particularly distinctive from almost every other kind of tattoo. Maori tattoo design gurus also known as tohunga-ta-moko traditionally utilized a variety of chisels or uhi from the particular bone fragments of an albatross and etched it onto the skin making the tattoo with grooves in contrast to the smooth finished look of tattoos that individuals have grown to be familiar with. The albatross bone could be hafted onto a handle in addition to then banged down using a mallet. The tohunga-to-moko would likely implement awheto for the body colouring in addition to burnt timbers generally known as ngarehu for your more dark blacker facial area color.

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tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

 tattoo maori

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